Dear Antigonish Residents,
At two Special Council meetings held on October 20, 2022, the Town of Antigonish and the Municipality of the County of Antigonish voted to move forward with consolidation.
We understand and respect the varying views, differences of opinion and strong emotions some residents feel with respect to consolidation. However, we feel obliged to speak up concerning the disrespect, taunting, intimidation and threats shown towards several Town & County Councillors, Warden McCarron, and especially Mayor Boucher.
Mayor Boucher, in particular, has been experiencing personal attacks, anonymous voicemails, and defamatory social media comments, some of which have been reported to the RCMP. This is bullying plain and simple and does not reflect who we are as a community. We can vigorously disagree, but no matter the issue it is not ok to name call, demean and threaten.
This is unacceptable behaviour and deeply troubling. As CAOs for the Town and County, we are asking this small group of residents to stop with the harassment. We are asking the rest of our community not to condone this harassment. The decision to move forward with special legislation for consolidation was not made lightly, and it was a decision made by both Councils, not one individual person.
We are not discouraging public discourse, but it is our duty to create a safe space for discussion and debate and we ask all residents, before you post a comment, send an email or pick-up the phone, please remember, these are real people, your friends and neighbours, who are receiving it on the other end.
Jeff Lawrence
Town of Antigonish
Glenn Horne
Municipality of the County of Antigonish